Wednesday, March 23, 2011

You Make Me Happy!

Today was a busy day. i was planning on going to my favorite zumba class of the week at 8am. but i stayed up late talking to Rye so i knew it was going to be hard to get my butt out of bed. so when my first alarm went off at 6:10, i shot Kat a text asking her to call me at 7 to get me UP!so i wake up to the sound of her ringtone... only to roll over and see it's my "normal" alarm at 7:30 going off.. so i FLIP out, jump out of bed, put Dee outside to go to the bathroom, fill up his food and water, track down some work out clothes, and get OUT the door in 10 minutes, at this point i have 18 minutes until the class starts.. so i start to jog, i'm not very good at running "off" the treadmill, and i had 2 miles to go, so i did take a few walk breaks... BUT i made it to the gym only ONE minute late! and i blame that minute on having to stop at 8 for "colors"

after zumba i had a nice walk home, showered and got ready for the day, made myself some eggs and a smoothie... i was REALLY craving chinese food, and decided to meet up with some girls at the food court on base... so i walked another mile BACK down to there... then decided chinese food was NOT worth the calories, and had one of taco bells "healthier" choices (less than 340 calories)

I picked up a new xbox game for Rye, i pre-ordered it a few months ago and it came out last week so i ran in and grabbed it, and bragged to the girls that i won best wife of the day award for that one. as i was sitting in the salon waiting for my turn to go get my bangs trimmed i got a text from my next door neighbor that someone dropped off flowers, and she brought them inside so they wouldn't get all withered. i had NO idea who would be sending me flowers on a random tuesday... curious i hurried and drove home (after getting my bangs all trimmed up)
he sounded pretty proud of his choice cause of the smiley mug :)

i sure do love him!

Sure enough they were from that awesome husband of mine... seriously, how did i get so lucky with him?! i don't deserve him, and i am NOT just being humble, i honestly lucked out with him! so what was the occasion you may be asking... well the card said "just because i love you, hope you have a happy day. love the nugget" so here i am thinking i'm the best wife for getting him a video game, and PRE-ORDERING another one for us, and he goes and blows me out of the water! goodness!

on another note, since last monday i have not only hit, but KILLED my calorie burn goal... 7 times! 7 out of 9.... that aint bad, and on those days i was EXTREMELY close to hitting my goal. i am keeping check marks on my chalkboard and i think once i get so many, i should get a reward.. what do you think my reward should be? and how many check marks do YOU think i should have to hit before i get it? maybe shopping money for clothes for each check mark? i don't know... lemme know what YOU think!

oh so tonight i found the CUTEST dishes at ross... i wasn't GOING to spend any money, but i kind HAD to get them. i didn't spend much but i absolutely LOVE the look of them, i might try to get some more.. i really love them!
and here's the pitcher that goes with

also i had a brunch yesterday, so i made a few recipes from the "our best bites" cookbook (which i know i've mentioned, but seriously it's AMAZING, and you should buy it!) i made the buttermilk caramel syrup
and the strawberry sauce
and look how cute i bottled them for my brunch! now this is mostly cause i had extra jars laying around... and i didn't have any lids for them and i was out of tinfoil, so i had to come up with something cute!

anyway, i'm going to have some frozen strawberries and keep on watching season 3 of Army Wives (ya, don't judge me, i'm pretty much POWERING through this series.)


  1. i think once you get 30 check marks you should buy your self a plane ticket an come visit me in South Carolina!!! Best idea ever... yep pretty sure it is!

  2. I think once you get 30 checks you should treat yourself to a spa day. Facial, massage, mani, pedi, the works girl! You deserve it! And on a side note, your husband totally is awesome, love the flowers :)


What-Do-Ya-Think? lemme know!