Monday, April 30, 2012

The Obligatory 2 Week Update

I know if Rye gets back to a place with internet access and my 22 week picture is not up I'll recieve a call with him saying that he checked my blog... followed by an expected silence. So we'll just skip that whole thing and just do the post :)

I'm not feeling in the picturesque mood today. As you will be able to tell by my picture, my hair is up (this is post daily bath to soak my aching muscles) I am rocking my amazing Victoria Secret Yoga pants (one of the few pieces of normal clothing that still fits nicely) however I did throw on a maternity shirt and some lip gloss... You're welcome :)

So here are the updates for this week.

22 Weeks

  • Feeling Miles kick A LOT! Someone other than me was able to feel him kick yesterday for the first time. I cannot wait for Riley to get in on the action :)
  • I think Deezul is aware of Miles, and I don't think he likes him... At first he would lay his head on my belly... now he avoids by belly at all times and gives it an awkward side eye... oh Geeze!
  • My back hurts like a mother in labor (wow that's not funny to say anymore since I am certainly facing a future of back labor here shortly)
  • My normal clothes do not fit to the point that it would be ridiculous to try to squeeze into them to go out in public... cleaning house in them is another thing.
  • Weight: -4-5 depending on the morning.
  •  I am still down in weight but gaining speed quickly, So I am trying to make the healthiest food choice possible
  • I am still running.
  • I am starting to acquire the pregnant woman waddle
  • The waddle I am assuming is from my hips widening, Which I am feeling big time! I wake up and my hips feel like I was doing squats and lunges all night.
  • I am not able to sleep comfortably through the night anymore, I will have to go invest in one of those freakin expensive maternity pillows.
  • Stretch Marks: As you know if you read my blog, I spent a small fortune on a skin care regiment that promised to help prevent stretch marks... I am pleased to announce that the few that I had are fading, and I have yet to acquire ANY new ones.. I will keep you posted, and try to stick to this plan to the T and hopefully I will be able to pass on something amazing to anyone else who is worried about stretch marks in the future... It's a small price to pay.
  • We are picking out nursery furniture in the VERY near future.. As soon as Riley gets back.
I am SO happy that this is my last stupid tripod picture for a while... Riley will be back for the next few.. .And in June I am SOOO excited for the amazing Lauren Billings to take some awesome Maternity pictures for me. So yes, judge away at my appearance... I am comfy tonight... yup. Oh and yes I also see that I don't look WAY bigger than 2 weeks ago.. I assure you that I am... The measurements don't lie :)


  1. Twin! I'm so excited for you and your husband. Love your updates.

  2. Maternity pictures are def on the docket, CANNOT wait to see you!!


What-Do-Ya-Think? lemme know!