Survey number Three
Date Sent: January 4th------- Filled out Sunday Jan 17th (Mail is really slow in phase two!)
I Heard Your main DI is friends with Worthen? yupp kinda wierd!
On your 10-day leave i've asked Lauren to do pictures. you cool with that? Where are we gonna be?
1st thing you wanna do at the hotel after grad: (he circled) Eat pizza, me, sit in the shower, snuggle and watch a movie.
You think i'm funny huh:) ?! Very :)
Do you save my letters? Yes i want to keep them!
Are you happy phase 1 is over? cause i am!!! Very and almost done with phase 2 :)
do you graduate in your Dress Blues? no i think service alpha's, the green (the sexiest uniform of all!)
Do you miss my camera? actually yes i miss everything (that is huge, if you know Rye you know how irritated he gets of my camera :) he can deal with it though!)
do you have your weapon serial number memorized? of course! 7307930
do you wish you partied with me on new years? YES YES YES YES
have you filled out your dream sheet? nope
do you remember everything about me? yes and miss every bit of it!
are any of your buddies infantry? a few
do you know alot of guys from other platoons? nope not really allowed to talk to them, they are competition
Zack says your platoon is full of idiots, do you like most of the guys in your platoon?we have a few people that NEED TO LEAVE but i think we are ok. i think we are the best platoon in our company
i'm glad you like my stamps, envelopes, and stationary. did they notice it was a picture of your wife? i don't think anyone did till i showed everyone :)
do you miss me alot tonight? Sav, no joke i miss you all day, all night, and all the time. you are the only thing helping me get through this.
p.s. i'm glad you're still the same awesome guy i love. :) but alot cooler now :)
5 weeks left babe :) when you get this it will be close to 4 weeks. and i will be back down at mcrd for phase 3. :) read letter for more info:)
and then here is his letter. it wasn't really mushy at all... mostly just info packed. so i will type the whole thing in cause you're interested. and just in cause you were curious. i only post things i know he wouldn't mind being shared. i post on here so his friends and family members can see how he's doing, it saves me alot of time on the phone with people reading it over and over!
Weekly Letter
well babe sitting here in church like always when i write you. So here is your weekly letter :)
well i love the survey's you send, makes answering questions very easy. well i made
it though rifle qualifications. i was really worried about it but i passed :)
found out Steven's is a pretty good shot, but i am glad thats over. i have completed
the 3 mile 5 mile and 8 mile hikes, the sucked but i got through it. well you booked the hotel
already eh thats cool but scary all at the same time i hope i don't get dropped for anything or that would suck. i think the only thing that can stop me now is the prac test which you know i am
scared of :) but i will get through it :) i was going to tell ya don't get your patriarchal blessing yet, lets get them together i think that would be a good thing to do together.
you were asking me about a kid in my platoon that has been dropped from being sick. yes we had one, he overheated and i guess right now he is still in medical his body won't regulate his heat so he might be going home. but we actually had probably 4-5 people dropped for different reasons you also asked me about being sick. and i didn't want to tell ya but i actually have been sick since the end of week one. so i have been sick for a while :) but i am still pushing through so don't worry about me for that, also on your survey you asked me about weight i think i have lost muscle mass so that really sucks. i am excited to get home and start working out again :) i have decided i am more fit at home than here. remind me when i see you and i will tell you why. well thats my weekly letter i love you with all my heart you are keeping me going babe
Cute Bum
so there you go! if anyone is wondering anything about bootcamp, let me know and i'll throw it on my next survey!