Wednesday, March 17, 2010

soooo i'm gonna be a little Vain here!

I'M HOT NOW!!! ok i think i'm done. lemme explain myself a little here, so you don't think i'm self absorbed! i've now lost about 30 lbs since december. and i'm starting to notice. i'm in st george right now. and me and Kat decided to go lay out by the pool since it's 70-something outside right now. but we're also doing massive amounts of laundry. and as fate would have it. my tankini is in the wash. so i was forced to wear my bikini. keep in mind, i haven't worn this since the summer before i was married... almost 4 years ago. and i was not completely self conscious. i still have a bit to go. but i am happy with myself... FINALLY!!!

i've always had self esteem issues. i mean c'mon... my best friend has been Lauren for like the past 10 years. and she is GORGEOUS!

but i think the fact that i spend every weekend on base with Riley now may have something to do with it. boys look at me there. but because i'm Sav and not some other girls i don't dress like i'm advertising. so i don't quite get them to drool over me... but Riley has had more than a few guys asking hopefully that we were not together. BACK OFF BOYS! my heart belongs to one and only one Marine! it's really funny when i'm not with Rye and i'm walking... or running somewhere... i've never seen so many heads turn and crane to look at me...

ONCE AGAIN I DON'T THINK I'M THAT HOT. because any of you that know a Marine.... most of them are not picky at all... i had one kid i was talking to tell me he didn't care how obese and hairy she was, he just needed to find ANY girl willing... and i replied with "DUDE, you've been here for 4 days!!!!! you're that desperate already?!" Riley laughed at me, because i'm always the one to say exactly whats on my mind. but it just proves my point. these boys have WAY too much testosterone built up... they will pretty much drool over anything that has an F on their drivers license... even if all the surgeries haven't been completed. and with that visual.. i'll leave you.

1 comment:

  1. You are so cute! I would give anything to lose 30lbs right now and feel ok about being in a swimsuit....a one piece for me....stretch marks on my belly....yuck. Congrats to you on doing it!!! Take care, always love reading your blog.


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