Friday, November 19, 2010

The Worth of Souls

D&C 18:10 Remember the worth of souls is great in the sight of God.

In seminary my sophomore year, i had the most AMAZING teacher, Brother Mortenson... i think that he, more than any other authority figure, not only made me believe the Church was true, but made me appreciate the gospel. he had soooo many lessons that have stuck with me all these years. one of those lessons was regarding this scripture mastery. In our scriptures he had us change this verse slightly into "Remember, the worth of MY soul is great in the sight of God" i mean how can you NOT believe that God loves you after thinking about it that way.

This scripture has been weighing on my mind tonight. Talking to Shaunci i was recalling some disturbing things that some of the boys had said to me before they deployed. i had more than a few guys tell me that they would take care of my husband for me, and make SURE that he came home to me. and all went as far as to say "I would take a bullet for Riley, if it was between the two of us, HE has more reason to come home. i would absolutely jump in front of a bullet for him"

ok, so i have MANY issues with this statement.... i'm just going to rant for a while on this one... so bear with me...

first of all.... don't you think that if you jumped in front of a bullet that was meant for him, that it would mess him up beyond belief... i know that if someone died, so that i could live... and i had to witness this. it would be alot to have to deal with. thinking that YOU were the cause of their death. and it should have been you instead.

second... Who the hell do you think my husband is to think that he deserves to come home more than you... EVERY single one of the boys that recently left for Afghan deserves to come home... equally. Do i want Riley to come home no matter what? OF COURSE I DO. but i HATE when people don't value themselves. if you are out their valuing Riley's life over your own, where is your head? i want EVERYONE who is out there with Riley to want to come home at all costs. i WANT them to fight, with everything that they have... because THOSE are the type of guys i want with him, not some kids who don't care if they come back.

third of all... these boys are my fiends, and i don't want them even entertaining the idea of NOT coming back. a few of them were giving me instructions on what to do with their stuff in case they don't make it back... i've never lost a close friend... and these Marines have been the closest thing to family i have had around in the last 7 months. if anything happened to ANY of them i would be devastated.. Yes Riley has a wife, and one day will have a family of his own.. and i can see where they are coming from... but all of them have parents, and siblings, and friends and family that CARE about them.

so while thinking about this today, this scripture just popped into my head... these Marines need to Remember where they came from. and that they are worth something. and that God loves them all... not just my husband.

So as Brother Mortenson always said at the end of every class
"LOOK UNTO CHRIST IN EVERY THOUGHT" and we'd finish the scripture by saying back "DOUBT NOT, FEAR NOT!!!" D&C 6:36

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