Wednesday, May 16, 2012

24 Weeks

I have been meaning to blog for the past week about SOOO many things. But with Riley being home (and with our days together dwindling) I have been focused on the more important things in life. So since it is early in the morning and Rye is out for a nice long run I will attempt to catch up on a few blog posts.

24 Weeks

If you go by the 4-week increments I am 6 months pregnant... I don't think I am quite counting it like that. I real have about 12 more days till I'm REALLY 6 months pregnant. But Riley is definitely taking advantage of the 6 month or more parking spot.

It seems strange to me that I am so far along. People (some that I am not super fond of) are starting to ask the "How much longer?!" question. Do people not understand that just because you are poking out, it does not mean your water may break at any second. I was walking in church from sacrament to nursery, and Miles had just kicked in a very awkward spot. I had my hand on my stomach and someone stops and asks me if I'm having a contraction.... um no, I sure hope not. I have a few months left.

Here is the random bullet list of pregnancy crap pertaining to the last 2 weeks!

  • Miles can be felt kicking from the outside. And a few times I have been able to watch my stomach jump, that is a pretty cool thing.
  • He kicked my bladder so hard and fast during church the other day I had NO warning and almost peed a little. 
  • Still feeling Nasues but I have not puked in over a week now! Although yesterday almost ruined that.
  • I HAVE to sleep with a pillow between my legs now or the pain is so bad I wake up more times than I already do. 
  • At my big ultrasound almost 2 weeks ago he was measuring at 1 lb 1 oz, So I know he is much bigger at this point... probably pushing 2 lbs soon.
  • My skin is STARTING to get a little itchy. So I'm even more careful about using my skin care stuff.
  • I am still down 1 pound from my starting weight... which means after losing 10 from morning sickness I have gained 9. With approx 15 weeks to go, I am ok with this :)
  • I am still running. I ran a 5k about a week ago, and my Midwife cleared me to run the 5k in Utah next month. She just suggested I take it slow due to the altitude change. 
  • Still not really craving much... Or I am and I just know that just because I'm pregnant doesn't mean I can eat anything... So I am TRYING very hard to replace my cravings with a healthier option. Guava has been a constant... I can't get enough of the guava smoothies at jamba.
  • Miles is a fan of the blues. Rye didn't believe me until we were in a little coffee shop waiting for our sandwiches and listening to this extremely talented guy sing the blues, and Miles went CRAZY. 
  • I'm still doing everything I would normally do. We started unpacking the house and hanging things up, and of course I was up on the little ladder placing things where I wanted them on the wall. I still do any and all chores (I have no choice, he's deploying very soon, I don't really get the chance to milk this pregnancy) However, my belly is making reaching the faucet on the sink a little bit more difficult now... Oh the plights of a short girl. 
  • My back aches, ALL the time. I'm starting to be able to control it a little bit more. 
I could seriously go on and on with this list but I'll spare you all. So here is my 24 week pictures, as you can see we have upgrade from the painters tape on the wall. We have unpacked enough that there is now enough things on the wall to help the camera focus. And for the next few weeks Rye is home and able to take the picture for me!


  1. You look SO SO cute! Really, I'm loving the bump...mine still looks just chubby, haha. Glad that you're getting time with Rye!

  2. You look beautiful and absolutely glowing with this pregnancy!!!!!


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