Thursday, November 15, 2012

Cloth Diapering

Alright I've been Cloth Diapering for nearly 7 weeks now. This will be my first official reviews and tips post. Keep in mind, every baby is completely different. I am still super new to this and don't pretend to know even HALF of what I need to know. So please be understanding. This is just what is working for ME at the moment. This will be the first of MANY cloth diaper posts, and hopefully if you were thinking about cloth diapering or currently are, I will be able to provide some kind of insight. I will include pictures as well!

My Stash

  • 14 Bumgenius 4.0- I LOVE these... can I just say how much I LOVE these! I stuff them with the large adjustable insert with the fatter part up front since boys tend to pee towards the front of a diaper. I have not had ONE leak in these. They are the first diapers that I reach for. I have 8 or 9 that are snaps and the others are velcro. I will always try to set aside the velcro so that I have them ready for the middle of the night change. It's much easier to slap the velcro closed than to try to line up the snaps on the right setting in the dark. 
  • 3 fuzzibunz pocket- So far I give these 1 1/2 stars... I had leaks EVERY time I put these on. I hear nothing but awesome reviews on these so I have been super frustrated. But I just adjusted the settings and I THINK AND HOPE AND PRAY that I fixed the issue. the first time I put him in it after the change and I didn't have a leak... So we will see. I really want these to work. So stay tuned, I really do believe they have the potential to be amazing diapers
  • 5 flip Covers- No complaints about these. HOWEVER no one told me that there are special inserts you can put in the flip that is able to touch baby's skin (cause normal microfiber inserts CANNOT touch baby) I think I may end up ordering some of these (shhh don't tell Riley)
  • 2 bumkins pocket-I loved these. They were in my most used pile. They are super cute, I especially love his turtles print. Recently though they started leaking, so I am actually stripping them right now. Hopefully stripping them fixes the problem. Cause I love these. I try to stuff these with the same bum genius adjustable insert. If I don't have any left I use 2 smaller inserts
  • 2 Grovia All in One's- I have 1 infant and 1 one size. These are fantastic. They are normally a little pricey, but I got them both on a Grovia seconds sale. The infant one has leaked the past 2 times. I'm stripping it right now but honestly, I think he may have just outgrown it... This makes me sad. I really love his little robot diaper.
  • 3 MG baby pocket (I think it's cool that it says MG baby... get it... Miles Gardiner... Yup I'm a nerd)- Love these. I got through all 3 with every load (which I do every other day) I stuff them the same way. I am also able to use these as night time diapers, which is always a plus! 
  • 3 lotus bumz pocket-I like these, but don't love the colors that I have... which is a stupid reason not to use them, but I find myself passing it for a cuter one... other than that I don't have any complaints about how they work. I don't worry about these leaking and just stuff them the same way.
  • 1 small Baby beehind cover- This cover is AWESOME I absolutely love the velcro on it. It's not normal velcro and sticks to every part of the diaper so I am not limited to the small velcro tabs. 
  • 3 random brands that came in the mail and I don't love the colors... So I will probably pass them on to someone---- Honestly I've never used these.
  • 3 large and 2 medium workhorse- I am going to try the medium and see how it works, he might still be too small, but we shall see. 
  • about a dozen infant prefolds- I use these with a snappi under a cover. Sometimes I will just fold it in thirds and set it in the cover, that seems to work as well. You just have to make sure you change it within the 2 hours. 
  • about a dozen and a half newborn prefolds- I WAS using these... I suppose I could use these to stuff diapers now. 
  • a billion microfiber inserts- I know a lot of people complain about these inserts. They come with virtually every diaper you order, and so far I haven't had any issues... however I am very new at this. 
Also I have some new additions to my stash... Cloth diapering is an addiction. So please know that going into it! 
These are my new Thirsties covers.

I am SO excited to try the thirsties. I hear awesome things about them, and I got the inserts to go with them.

Alva baby pocket diapers
I was wanting to try these and so I am pretty stoked to be able to do so!

My poor little robot diaper... You lived a good short life... I'm sure the next baby G will love you. 

Also did you notice my new rug... I love it!

Wash & Care

Currently I am doing laundry every 2-2 1/2 days. I WAS using charlie's soap but when that ran out I decided to try and make my own. I ended up making some with Borax, Washing soda, and oxi clean. I also added a little peppermint oil. So every time I do laundry my whole laundry room smells slightly of candy canes (LOVE). I use 1 TBSP of this in each load. I even started using it for my normal laundry. I am completely in love with this. It is also much cheaper than paying $30 for a tub of soap that will only last 80 loads. I throw my diapers in on the sanitize setting and then dry the inserts and hang all the covers and diapers out to dry over night. So far so good. I only have slight staining on a few of the diapers and I need to try and sun them to bleach them out. I am curious how well sunning actually works... anyone know? 

I still highly recommend having a wet bag (or 3). I need to get a big one for the nursery, but so far my three little bags have worked out great! 

I am only using disposables when I go to church (his church clothes fit better with them) and if I'm out and about in town for a long period of time. I find that he will have blow outs and leak in disposables, and NOT in cloth

So far I am in LOVE with this whole thing. It's working out awesome for us. If you have any questions of tips for me, leave a comment! 

Thursday, November 8, 2012


So about 3 1/2 - 4 years ago I bought a table in the clearance section of IKEA. It was baby pink and hideous, but was discounted down to $6 for a scratch at the top. I had been looking for a little table and decided that with Riley's background of helping his dad with woodworking that he could do a little transformation for me.

He tried to get me to sand it, but ever since I was little the sound of sandpaper makes me cringe. It's far worse than nails on a chalkboard. Pretty sure I batted my eyes to get him to sand it, I just had to hang out in the garage with him. I then watched him spray paint this horrid table from baby pink to black. He did an amazing job, and I was SUPER sad when he gave that table away to one of the Marines after the last deployment.

Prior to moving to Hawaii I did not really believe in DIY. All the projects I attempted turned out SUPER cheesy looking. Upon my arrival I was busy house training a puppy, which gave me extra time to kill. I started following a few amazing DIY blogs and the ideas started flowing. At first I would have to replicate their ideas as close as I could. But as time goes on I find myself able to come up with ideas and able to execute them. Last deployment I bought some old windows and made a wall hang out of one of them. this next week I plan to transform it into a christmas decoration... I am really excited since I already have everything I need for the project and it won't cost me a dime.

I also recently scored a table at the Salvation Army (yes I remember that I said I was boycotting them.. but for $40 I was willing to call a temporary truce.) It is large and has 2 leafs.. Now I just need some chairs for this amazing find. At first my plan was to sand it down and paint it white. Then find lots of chairs and paint them a rainbow of different colors... BOOOO-RING, it's been done a hundred times on pinterest. Then as I stood at the wall of spray paint at the home depot, inspiration hit. WA-BAM. I would paint the table Colonial Red (by rustolium) and then find some chairs to paint white. GENIUS. I bought the paint and headed home, uber proud of myself. Soon I was telling Rye of my plans when he suggested that I STAIN the table instead of paint. Never done it before but after looking up red stained objects I decided that is what I REALLY want. I called my father in law who just walked me through the process... so hopefully I will be able to get this project done in the next week.

I am so grateful that I was able to find inspiration in what others do. I'm also grateful for the talent and ability to DIY. I know that others are not able/willing to do this, so I am thankful that I have the skills and talent needed for such projects!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012


Why do people feel the need to compete with others? I understand the primal need to "be the best" but why does EVERYTHING in life have to turn into a competition? I don't see the point.

In middle and high school we (girls) felt the need to compete with each other for the attention of boys. We were all absolutely too hard on ourselves constantly comparing our thighs or length/thickness of hair. Things that we honestly had little control over. I know that on multiple occasions I compared myself to my best friend (Lauren) and never once did I put myself in the "winning" category. She was skinny, and gorgeous and incredibly talented. She was also (and still is) my best friend. Sure the boys I liked often had little to no interest in me except to see if I could put in a good word with Lauren. But I was selling myself short on a tremendous level. Sure I was average height, didn't have long legs and was (and still am) incredibly awkward. But in high school I was talented, I had lots of friends, and I was beyond passionate in my hobby's (Debate team, and Acting up). Now if you ask Riley he will tell you what a nerd (aka loser) I was. And that if we had gone to the same high school we definitely would NOT have dated. Yet, he dated me KNOWING what a nerd I am. I used to be embarrassed to admit I was a debate nerd. But when I get worked up over a political issue I see him smile at the way I get myself totally overworked. Ya he is probably making fun of me in his head... but I'd like to think that my passion for nerdy things is one of the many reasons he adores me.

So competing during our teenage years DOES make sense to me. I see why people do it. But after you are married.... what is the point? I know people that like to try and compare their marriage to others. What gain do you get from that. Riley and I have an amazing relationship, we are best friends and enjoy each other more than other people... but how would it benefit me to compare or belittle another couple that has a COMPLETELY different relationship. With 2 people that are completely different from us? NOTHING. My marriage will be what it will be. Whether I compete with others or not. When my friends have great marriages, I don't feel the need to compare. I am genuinely happy for them, and possibly take note as to how I could improve my own marriage. The way I see it, I want all my friends to be in healthy and happy relationships.

Children. I know I am new to the whole parenting thing... but it's coming pretty naturally to me. I think 24 is the PERFECT age to have a kiddo (at least for me). I know that I would not have had the patience that I currently have. I would not have been so laid back either. It's crazy how much growing up I did in the 6 years we were married BEFORE Miles showed up. But it seems to me that every mom  makes motherhood into a competition.People question/judge your every decision and expect you to do the same. Just because I chose to cloth diaper does NOT mean I look down on you for using disposables. If I make a face when you talk about how expensive diapers are, it's only because I honestly have NO idea how much diapers end up costing, and you are probably blowing my mind! I don't let my son listen to music blaring. Not because I want him to be in quiet all the time. It's because I did research and made a decision. And I don't care HOW you feed your child... Just feed them!

Body type. Let's be honest here, I am not a size 1. Are ya shocked?! Weight is something I have always struggled with, Even now, I run and run and run and the scale won't move, even when I am eating very well. I can't compare myself to Lauren anymore. My body will NEVER look like hers. It won't look like anyones. I am me. I need to learn to be happy in my own skin... deflated balloon of a belly and all. While I wanted to avoid stretch marks the ones I have (while ugly) are a reminder that after years of trying and treatments. And all the heartbreak. I was able to carry my little man for a full 9 months. So many would KILL for that chance. So I try to remind myself as I am judging myself in the mirror, That I wanted this. My chest (partly since I'm nursing and partly from genetics) is GINORMOUS at this time. I mean out of control. While I have always hated being busty, It reminds me that I am able to nurse my son and provide life to him.

Anyway that Is my rant for the night. I just want to be happy with myself, and with the life I am trying to raise my son into. I will post again tomorrow, But I need to hurry and pump and go to bed. I'm exhausted!