Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Milf Monday- Slow Moving

Well I made it through week 1 of my workouts! I can't believe I did it! There was more than a few times that I really just wanted to be lazy and use the excuse that I just had a baby, and if I wanted to I could sit on the couch and eat granola bars all day! Not saying I didn't do that.. I'm just saying I fit in my workouts!

I know I've said it before but just to clarify, at this point I am not restricting calories. I want to make sure that Miles has enough nutrition. I'm making healthier choices, and not indulging as I did while pregnant (which wasn't ever too extreme). In December I will likely start counting calories if I am not seeing any change in myself.

Alright so here is the breakdown of my weeks workouts

  • Monday- 2 mile run. I did this VERY slow, 29:45 to be exact. Yup go ahead and mock. I ran through 1 song and then walked the next. It felt really slow, and I was sure that everyone that drove by was making fun of me... but I'm ok with that. I had an almost 4 week old kiddo with me. They can laugh all they want, You gotta start somewhere!
  • Tuesday- Lifted weights to workout arms and abs. Putting Miles to bed at 7 has been amazing. I'm able to squeeze in a workout, or get some housework done! 
  • Wednesday- 2 mile run. I cut 1:50 off mondays time. Woot Woot!
  • Thursday- Lifted weights to workout chest and back. I also did an ab workout.
  • Friday- Should have been a run day, but since I was planning on a longer run for Saturday, I decided to use this as a rest day. Riley however guilted me into getting my butt upstairs and lifting. So I worked out my shoulders
  • Saturday- I did my nearly 4 mile run. It was TOUGH. I'm not going to lie. There were A LOT of times that I had to convince myself that I needed to finish the run, and NOT take the shortcut back home. It's true, running is a total mind game!
I don't really want to put these pictures up.. But I'm going to. I only lost .8 lbs this week... but hey, thats nearly a pound less than I weighed last monday! I'm moving in the right direction! I am now 4.6 lbs above my pre pregnancy weight. Here's to hoping I continue to do well and am able to stick with this fairly easily!

This is last week... so my starting picture. 

Week 2. This is POST run, So yes I am gross and sweaty. And don't you be judging my socks!

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Pumpkin Patch

I have finally established some sort of a reliable schedule, Thank goodness! I decided that for my own sanity I wanted Miles in bed at 7. I thought it would be a good idea to set that up early so it's not a hassle later on. So we have bath time at 6:30 and he either eats right before or right after that. and He is in bed by 7, asleep before 7:30. For the next few hours I am able to have "me time". On my lifting days I'm able to go into our home gym room and workout, and only be a room away from Miles. Then I relax in bed while I fold laundry, or hang out on the always enjoyable pinterest. I pump during the 9-10 time frame so that when he wakes up between 12-1 I can pop a bottle in his mouth and we can both drift back off until usually around 6-ish. I am extremely blessed to have such a great sleeper. I APPRECIATE that God has given me that! I'm hoping by praising the gift he gave me, that he won't feel the need to "teach me a lesson" or humble me...

So quick fitness update. I had decided that Monday would be my first day back working out. Holy Crap! Monday and Wednesday I ran 2 miles (run/walk) Tuesday and today I walked lots, and lifted weights. My arms and abs are killing me from Tuesday! I just finished working out like an hour ago, and I can already tell that my chest/back is going to be feeling it! And I worked my abs again... So I can plan on a continuation of the soreness in that area. Here is to hoping that I start to see a change soon-ish. I don't hate my body, I see it as a price to pay for my little miracle. However, I would like to be able to wow myself when I look into the mirror. Next baby I will absolutely be lifting weights throughout the whole pregnancy, I learned my lesson the hard way. Starting over is no fun!

Ok so on to todays main blogging subject... THE PUMPKIN PATCH!!! I'm sure you saw my pictures on facebook... but in case you didn't I will include some. I set my alarm for 6AM to make sure that Miles didn't let me sleep in. I knew we would have to leave the house around 8-ish. I got up and tried to get ready before waking up Miles to eat. He woke up at 6:40 when I was 80% ready and was hungry. Amazingly we made it over to the pumpkin patch like 10 minutes early. The patch is designed for young kids, but obviously not for 1 month old babies. I figured we would show up, mingle with the girls from work, pick out his pumpkin and head home. I didn't want to wait in line for the hay ride... just to hold either a sleeping or hungry/crying baby.

I made sure to bring cash. Last year they sold the fresh squeezed lemonade in the mason jars, as well as the fresh picked corn. They had no such booth this year and I was severely disappointed by this!

Yes that is a sliver of the ocean you see in the picture... Ahhhh-mazing

Picking out his pumpkin!

Miles and Mom

I did NOT match us on purpose. 
 And since you have been patient in reading my long blog posts lately... here are some of the pictures I got back from one of the photographers! She did an awesome job, and I am very grateful to have gotten more shots of my little guy! He's already growing up so fast!

Those blue eyes KILL me! 

Lil' blue eyes throwing up stones!

Looks like a fighter with his eye

Time of birth

He is wrapped up in a scarf that Rye brought me back from Afghanistan.

Oh I love his smile. Can't wait till I get to see it more often!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Milf Monday- 1st Run Ever As A Mom

So this morning I embarked on the new adventure of post baby body rejuvenation.

It was tough! I left the house, started my pandora Nsync station and was all ready to walk the first leg for a good long warm up... except my neighbor who is not very neighborly was leaving her house and giving me her judgmental eyes she likes to use when she stares me down... So I took off running. Ya I never fully grew up, It's like when I was 12 with a cast on my arm, walking on the beach in Oregon and I saw the cute boy so I tried to walk all "hippy" except I didn't have hips, or coordination. I still have the scar on my knee from that little mishap! Anyway, the plan was run 30 seconds- 1 min and then walk for 2-3. I just don't do well with starting uber slow. I just couldn't do it. So I ran 1 song and walked 1 song. Nsync radio let me down today, it wanted to play all the amazing SLOW boy band songs. I had to switch over to Today's Adult Hits.

My run went really well, My right shin hurt, but that is normal for my runs. I need a new pair of running shoes but am waiting until the next shoe sale on base. Miles slept for the entire run (THANK GOODNESS) and the Bob stroller is ahhhh-mazing. Seriously I even thought about having to correct it, and it was already done! Totally worth the money if anyone out there is looking for a recommendation.

I will not be running everyday, tomorrow I will either lift, or maaaaaybe get out one of Riley's yoga dvd's. Ok let's not lie, Yoga probably isn't going to happen. On my non running days I plan on taking Deezul and Miles out for a good walk, just to make sure we get out and around the neighborhood.

I just downloaded the app runstar, I got the free version till I realized I wanted the full version, so I paid the 5 bucks for it. It is the first app I have ever paid for though, so I don't feel guilty! I will check in with you and let you know how I like it!

Weight - +5.4lbs from pre baby weight.
I don't know what other stats I should put up... I'll get back to you on that!

I took day 1 pictures, but the memory card is downstairs. I will update with those pictures probably tomorrow. But for now here is a few pictures from my run this morning! Way to start out a month, with a good run!
Miles' outfit for the day, courtesy of  Nana Gardiner

Asleep in the stroller, PERFECT!

Starting one of my walking breaks... more than 1/2 way!

This is my Napoleon Dynamite yessssssssssss face, I finished my first workout as a mom!!!