Monday, July 12, 2010


i totally VOWED to keep my blog updated since i have plenty of time... but have i? sadly.. no. so i apologize! and as a punishment to myself... i'm going to attempt to catch up on all that I've missed blogging. so hang on kids, this may be a bit of a ride.

alright, last time i left you with a huge cliffhanger... ok not really. but Deezul had just peed the bed on Rye... HAHAHAHAHAHA i still laugh when i think about it. i guess he walked on it and then went up to give "dad" a good morning kiss. so as Rye puts it "he came up and put his Pee Paws on MY FACE!" Rye tried to be pissed... but really... thats like one of those memories that we'll laugh about for years :)

Deezul is HUGE now!  he's 10 1/2 weeks. and i can't believe how much he grows! and lucky for me he is doing pretty good with potty training. he never really did bad with it, but he had his days when he just refused to go outside. but this morning i was SOO impressed with him. i'd taken him out a few times but i guess he drank more cause he was whining by the door. k so our sliding glass door looks over the hill we live on. and he can see the neighbor kids that he plays with. so half the time he just whines cause he wants to go play. so i was ignoring him. but he was persistent and kept whining and scratching. i FINALLY took him out after like 4 minutes. and he peed a TON. i was sooo proud that he didn't give in and pee on the floor!

he loves his toys, and bones... and he's super destructive of anything i leave where he can get it. so i'm learning.

Riley is gone. he left last monday so he's been gone a week now. and he should be back later this week. he's on Rimpac... basically he is out in the middle of the ocean on a big navy ship testing out their new "coms" as he calls them... i just call them what they are... Walkie Talkies :) and after that they are putting them on helicopters and flying them to the big mountains that i can see from my back porch. and they are going to hike and crap.. i dunno.. who knows what goes on with these trainings. but they are probably bonding... which is a good thing! so it's just me and Deezul. he knows it too, he's super sweet at nighttime he comes and snuggles
right next to me and stays there all night. this morning i woke up to him licking my armpit... hahaha a bit awkward... i wasn't sweaty or anything... i think he just likes the way my deodorant smells. oh my random puppy.. i'm really glad i have him to keep me company.

So for the past 2 weeks Jenni has been visiting. she's Zack's little sister... who i lived with while Riley was at boot camp. so she flew in 2 weeks ago and left on sat... it was SOOO sad to have her leave! i don't even know if i can sum up all that the 2 of us did... so i will attempt to make a list
-Jenni caught Gecko's on our back porch... a few times 
and Riley accidentally stepped on it... haha and the second time... Rye was careful... but deezul stepped on it and cut off its tail and like broke it's leg... that's my boys for ya here is the smashed gecko :)

- took her to our breakfast spot to try Riley's favorite Banana pancakes with macadamia nut sauce
-we got all sparkly... and went to the midnight showing of Eclipse :) YES!!! Riley and his friend Jon came too. Riley just wanted to spend time with us girls... Jon... well i think maybe he thought Jenni was hot.. THAT and he admitted that he actually kinda likes twilight... there are a few pictures here. :) the last one was as the lights were dimming for the movie to start :)
a big thank you to Riley and Jon (Grass) they had to work the next morning. we got home around 3 am... and they had to be up only 2 hours later... so thanks Bum for being such a good sport! AND he said it was the least sucky twilight movie! THATS AN IMPROVEMENT.... he likes them... he just doesn't want to admit it :) haha

We took lots of pictures of Jenni. i've been DYING to use my camera.. since i haven't had any models on the island yet.. Jenni is always up for an adventure! 

umm ya... she's gorgeous! i took a TON. maybe i'll post them on my photoblog... ok i will. later this week. so that was MOSTLY what we did. umm we went to church on the 4th. and then when we got home later that night from having dinner with one of Rye's friends... there were people all over our back lawn... cause our place sits on that hill overlooking the beach. which is where the fireworks were being done. we brought kitchen chairs out back and got to see them. which was awesome that we didn't have to fight a crowd!!!
 There is Riley... doing what i always harass the Gardiner family of doing of the 4th of July... being boring and being INSIDE... it's my favorite holiday... and they make NO effort. :) well don't worry i make enough effort for us all :)
he finally came out. after Deezul sat and whined at the door for him to come join us :) THATS MY PUP!!!

and then the night  that Riley left. i took Deezul outside to go Potty before we started a movie. and it had just quit raining. so i follow him around and he goes over to this storm drain man-hole thing. and starts sniffing a rock the neighbor kids put on there. so i'm trying to see it in the dark. to decided whether i'll throw it somewhere or not. and i swear this thing looks like a giant toad. so i call Jenni out to bring her phone down so i have some light... sure enough. it's a HUGE TOAD

anyway i think thats pretty much my update for now. I'LL BE BETTER AT BLOGGING.... haha we'll see.


  1. Glad you are back blogging--I missed your updates. Sounds like you are having fun over there. Keep posting!

  2. yay! I had so much fun reading your blog and getting updated on all that is going on in Hawaii...I am so happy you had a friend come visit, i bet that was the best ever!! Wish we could be there too with ya, sounds like a fun adventure :)


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