Thursday, December 9, 2010

Oh Goodness--- time to vent.

Can i just tell you how OVER stupid wife drama i am?! This blog is about a few of the crazy wives that i have met. Far too uppity and easily offended girls who lurk on facebook to POUNCE on any comment that can be viewed as offensive to them. Taking my comment that was HONESTLY meant to welcome home a unit, and give them a nice shoutout. and ended with a huge/nasty paragraph written about what a horrible person i am. My sister is in the Army, my cousin is in the Air Force, and my other cousin is in the Navy... yet i am married to a Marine, do you want to tell me that my sister has never made a comment about how Marines are the dumbest bunch of guys to ever walk the world :) she's probably a LITTLE right when it comes to that statement. my one cousin will proudly say that if you join the airforce you won't do much, but sit around.

Riley's BEST FRIEND is a POG (for those of you who don't know what this is but have seen facebook and are now curious... POG stands for person other than Grunt. and a grunt is anyone who is infantry) it is NOT a bad term, it's like how people call me "Mormon" i am Mormon, you can say it like it's a swear word... but it doesn't bother me, because it's part of who i am... and i'm proud of it. If YOU are ashamed of what you or your husband does, that's no one's problem but your own... you should OWN what he does, and proudly. Riley will tell you that grunts are stupid... cause no one in their right mind would join the Marine Corps... and if they did there would have to be something seriously wrong with them to become a grunt. And i've met my fair share of grunts, ha, alot of them are borderline dumb-as-a-post. But i am the extremely proud of my Grunt of a husband. if he were a Pog, i would be JUST as proud of him, and you can bet i would have a few status's about how grunt's are retarded, and Pog's are where it's at. anyone that know's me should know that i AM and WILL be proud of my husband, no matter what job in the Marine Corps he has... however right now, his job is 0351 he carries a Rocket Launch... and makes bombs with c-4 and det-cord to blow things up that are in the way.

Alot of girls on base will pretend to be your friend... don't be fooled, they are NOT your friend. when someone flips out at you, cause you ignored their e-mail that they sent you 2 days before your husband deployed to Afghanistan... they are obviously NOT putting your best interest anywhere on their radar. when that SAME person tells you that you don't know anything about marriage... when you've been married for 4 1/2 years and they are about to start year 6... they are trying to make themselves feel better that their marriage has hit bigger bumps, and almost hasn't made it... but you did make it, and for that i'm happy for you... don't tell me i don't know anything about marriage. And don't tell me that i don't know my husband, or that i'm naive to think that he won't drink or smoke just because he's a Marine, or that he secretly swears all the time at work (you've never met him first of all......and i KNOW the guys would happily bring this up every chance they got if it were true) and don't tell me that i'll have to end up sending him porn just because he's deployed.... apparently you KNOW your husband, and know what his weaknesses are... i know mine, and i know that those are NOT his weaknesses... nice try though.

Also, if you are going have minors at your house drinking... be smart.. and don't put pictures of said minors drinking on your facebook... THEIR husbands can get busted over that... even if they don't think they can.and so can YOU.

One of the comments against me that was made was that i spread gossip and rumors to anyone i'm able to, and about people i don't even know... why would i care to spread rumors about people i don't know first of all. it's interesting that the person that said this has had a few get-togethers that i wasn't able to attend... and after everyone, people suddenly have ALOT they want to say about me, to me... i'm not Naive, i know i probably come up in your conversations.

and to clear something up... Mormon... is a christian religion... OH MY GOSH am i being serious?! when you tell me that "Christian's" believe something different... find a better word. because THAT is offensive... yet do i flip out on anyone that says that... nope. because i know the point they are TRYING to make, and i'm not going to start drama over something like that. can i tell you how many comments i receive weekly about how because i'm Mormon i think i'm better than everyone else, and that i'm probably going to burn in hell over my beliefs... or that when the road gets tough, i'll abandon what i believe. And every time i have a come-back, i don't use them though... i could answer any of their questions about what i believe and why we do what we do... but they wouldn't listen anyway. so why waste my breath to start with. if you want to know what us "Mormons" believe.... just ask. wow, what a novel concept.... asking someone NICELY to not do something that bothers you.

I may not know ANYTHING about life because i don't have kids... i'm sorry i didn't have the opportunity to get "knocked up" you're right though... people can't know anything about life until they have kids... so what does that say about my 45 year old Aunt who hasn't ever had kids or been married, and her 2 brothers that have been married for years but have never had children.... they don't know anything about life?

Also, it should be CLEAR facebook etiquette that when a Mother, Aunt, Grandmother posts something on your wall..... you're NOT allowed to make a rude comment. did my Aunt call you dramatic and hurt your feelings? you don't post that if you were ABLE to comment you would have... have i ever once commented on a post someones mom put just to make a rude comment? no people... cause that is crossing a line.

i assumed that we were close friends, i mean i watched your kids for you, you wanted me to stay a weekend and watch them... i sat and listened as you got things about other wives off your chest... and then you listened as i did the same. then you put on my facebook that i gossip about every person on base? wow..... exaggerate much? gossip generally has malicious intent in the speakers heart. Rather than venting which is just letting off steam about someone. Its all in what you are hoping to accomplish with the conversation. If you just have some pent up energy then you are venting. If you are hoping to injure in some way the person discussed you are gossiping. I am sorry i made the mistake of thinking that you were someone that was trustworthy... it's ok, you proved me wrong, and i won't make the same mistake again. and i'm really sorry that unlike you i don't choose to confront everyone for everything that they do... and instead i vent.

You're petty and immature, and it'll come back to bite you. i hope someone posts something horribly mean and untrue on your facebook, so you can get all uppity and say that they have no right to do so... and then you'll think to yourself, oh wait, i deserve this. you can't have such a soft skin in the life girly, everyone is bound to offend you at some point.


  1. I'm sorry you're having to deal with all kinds of drama. I hope you other people nearby to turn to, maybe in your ward?
    Text me anytime, I know we aren't THAT close, but I'm happy to be there for you and listen.

  2. That's the Savannah that I know and love. :)

  3. Wow you're right. That is worse then High school drama!

  4. Auntie DaynaDecember 10, 2010

    Oops, I'm sorry if my post caused you more drama, that certainly wasn't my intention. You're doing the right thing in cutting those kind of people out of your life. I admire you, my beautiful Mormon neice!

  5. Oh my goodness what is all this that was going on? I know it wasn't the thing i was part of, or at least most of it isn't I think. I agree its soo much worse than high school, I thought we were supposed to outgrow that a little bit?!


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