Friday, March 2, 2012

I Appreciate

In the Gardiner home there are constant jokes at each others expense, little jabs and such. we are best friends and talk to each other like we would any of our other friends....  However, sometimes "did you brush your teeth today" is NOT what i want to hear...

Right around the new year, Riley and I were chilling with our friend Jon on our couch. Rye and Jon were making fun of me for something. I turned to Rye and said "There have been alot of mean things said.. i think we should all say something we appreciate about the other." Rye looked at me with this sly smile and without hesitation said "i appreciate that you are carrying my child" (keep in mind not a soul knew that we were pregnant yet) we both kind of looked over at Jon and i can't even describe the look on his face.

And that is how the "I appreciate" game was formed. every few days or so, Riley or I will come out and say "i appreciate............." it's not always silly, and it's not always serious... it depends on the mood of the house. A few days ago i walked in on Riley telling Deezul what he appreciated about him. It has honestly changed the overall temperature of the house and our relationship. like i said, he's my best friend, and i can take a joke at my expense... but everyone likes to be appreciated from time to time.

I Appreciate is a common phrase in The G house now, and it has done WONDERS. It is something that i am glad our child will be brought into... a home where "mom and dad" are not shy about openly appreciating each other. I appreciate when Rye allows this poor pregnant girl to pee first... when he needs to go much more than i do. He appreciates that i share my gingerale, or when i fix the sheets on HIS side of the bed, cause honestly what does he do in the night to make them come off EVERY night.

Try it out. make it light hearted, it doesn't have to be a "YOU WILL TELL ME WHAT YOU APPRECIATE RIGHT NOW"... i promise within the first few times you will get that feeling of appreciation that sometimes we lack.

"Thanks for breakfast" doesn't have the same ring as "i appreciate that you made me breakfast today"

1 comment:

  1. Very sweet idea, maybe we should start trying that around here! :)


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