I am SO glad that this last week is over! It was a nightmare, and after all is said and done, all I can do is take a break and put my feet up. Here is the complete break down to the big move.
Day 1: Went to pick up the moving truck, got back to our house, Kyle helped Rye fill the truck with all the really heavy stuff. I ordered pizza and we cheered to a happy occasion.
Day 2:
6:45- left base in the full moving truck to try and find the weigh station (to get reimbursed we had to weigh any and all truck loads)
7:20- Pull over in tears, Tell Rye over the phone how frustrated I am, completely lost and running behind schedule
7:30- Weigh the truck
8- pick up keys to the house (find out the AC is broken.... rest of week is spent unloading heavy things into a house that is 85 degrees)
8:30-Have to be at work to teach preschool
noon-Rye picks me up, I find out he emptied the truck. We take it back to the house and attempt to fill it on our own. Kyle stops by and helps. Boys then find out they have to be to work at 3 for a formation. (truck must be returned by 4:30)
2:30- Take truck to get weighed.
3-I start to unload truck alone while Rye is at work.
3:30- I pull something in my growing stomach and cannot lift another heavy thing.
5-Riley gets home, realized i did not empty as much of the truck as he was hoping (his frustration starts)
5:15- I tell him he is putting a damper on the mood and needs to get out of his bad mood
5:16-I'm told I AM the reason for his bad mood, and he just found out he is leaving for __ weeks in the morning.
5:16:30- Hormonal tears start flowing.
15 minutes of silence
5:31-6-Riley wants to know where the heck the cheesecake I promised is. We go pick up said cheesecake
6-7-Unload the truck of pretty much everything
7:10- Riley asks me to help him move furniture
7:11-7:15- I go on a mini rampage wondering WHY none of the Marines are at our house unloading furniture and why the HECK the pregnant woman is left to do it.
7:16-Rye admits he never texted any of the guys. Cause it's their last night before they all leave.(big mistake)
7:17-8:30- Unloading furniture while Hormonal fit #2 kicks in. Upset with husband for not asking, and EVERYONE else for not offering when they KNEW what we were doing.
8:30- Kyle shows up to move dresser upstairs.
Day 3- Entire day is spent finding all of Rye's gear, and getting it all packed. He has to report in the early afternoon but doesn't leave till extremely late. evening is spent in the car waiting for him to depart, eating dinner and then falling asleep in the back while Jon sleeps in the drivers seat.
Day 4- Meeting at Pearl Harbor in the morning, Internet guy shows up right after that. I take the day to rest due to hurting myself on day 2.
Day 5 &6 - is spent on back and forth trips from the old to new house. With car loads of the "little stuff. as well as cleaning.
Day 7(today)- Woke up at 5am, headed to the old place to finish the last few things. Then headed to work. Got a call at work from the AC guy wanting to come look at it. Left work, headed home... 2 hours later he tells me he HAS the new unit but i have to call and reschedule another day for them to come install it. Hormonal watery eyes follow. I return the keys to our old house, and get myself a freaking BANANA SPLIT.
Seriously, I have never been so exhausted in my life. I am dehydrated and thus retaining water like crazy. I feel huge all around (not happy about that) plus the heat makes me feel all sticky and nasty. my ankles/feet/hands/ wrists are so swollen...
And despite ALL that, i decided to man up and just take my 18 week pictures... UGH. I have lovely moving hair, I threw on some mascara and eyeliner for ya. even put a shirt on over my tank top(with this heat i probably sweat through it before these were taken.
Hopefully by next time i will look better. HA.
Without Riley here, i have to use my tripod, and therefor must put something on these boring white walls for the camera to focus on so i can use the self timer... Ugh having a boy to do this is SO much easier.
Seriously, it's freakin HOT in this house! Like i said, not feeling very attractive this week... I think tomorrow i should actually get ready, since i don't have moving crap to do before work... maybe you'll get better pictures tomorrow... cause these are NOT the 18 week ones i want to look at forever. I'm downing the water right now, just praying that i will quit retaining a bit.