Monday, April 16, 2012


I made it! I am over the halfway hump. I'm in the second half of my 40 weeks of pregnancy.

I have been dreading this week since September, when I miscarried. I was originally due this last week. I thought it was going to be extremely hard. It wasn't! I think that was due to a few different things, Including the fact that this week Miles started kicking, A LOT! I've been so ecstatic and just cherishing every moment that I have with Miles that I haven't found myself dwelling on what this week would have brought us.

So here is my big halftime stats update!

Weight: I was originally down 10lbs, as of this morning I am now only down 7lbs... So -7... not bad for halfway. My midwife says i should be up 20 in the end, which means i have about 17 lbs left to go at this point.. we'll see how that pans out!

Morning Sickness: Still going strong on this one. I don't puke everyday anymore... it's down to every other day at this point.

Cravings: Still not many cravings... this week I've been craving chocolate a little more than normal, but it's easy to curb that with just a little chocolate milk. It's an awesome substitute for something that is not super great for you. Rice is still the only thing that has remained a "staple" I don't really crave it, but it's a safe bet for when i'm not feeling so great!

Clothes: I don't really fit into almost any of my normal clothes... So I'm mostly in maternity clothes now. I still don't feel like I look pregnant on the everyday, everyone pretty much just looks at me with judgmental eyes.

Riley will be home soon-ish and we will get hard at work on the nursery... I just have to try to convince him to paint the nursery for me... He's not so keen on the idea right now, so wish me luck on this one!

This morning I was laying in bed with Deezul, he was snoring away so I grabbed the laptop to look up some preschool stuff. So I'm laying in bed, chilling on pinterest, listening to Dee's snores, when all of a sudden... My laptop moved.... yup. Miles kicked hard enough to cause movement outside :)

Alright in case you care enough (or you're Riley and and are checking up to see how i'm doing from far away) Here is the halfway picture

20 Weeks

I feel pretty big :) I don't know if I look any bigger than I did on my 18 week pictures... I don't know, I'll have to compare.

Happy halfway!!!


  1. You look so cute Sav! I'm so excited for you guys!

  2. AnonymousMay 01, 2012

    You look beautiful and I am so happy for you. I loved feeling you kick inside me, enjoy every minute of this. Love Mom


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