Thursday, April 15, 2010

here i go again, on my own!

Alright friends, and random cyberspace stalkers :)

i'm sitting in my in-laws living room, the only place that feels like home at this point. all by myself. my inlaws are in vegas for the week, so i've had the run of the house. it's really nice to be able to sit in silence and not have to worry about conversations i should be trying to have with anyone in my company. nor do i have to fake that i'm happy when i am NOT. however... when not required to fake that i'm happy... i'm happier. what a strange world this is!

so this week is DRAGGING on... but tomorrow i'll hop in the car, and drive all the way down to oceanside Ca yet again! and i'll kill time till i get a text. it always puts a HUGE smile on my face to see "Rye" when i get a new text. maybe it's going all week with nothing on my phone to even show that we have a relationship... or knowing that i'm the ONLY person he wants to talk to when he gets his first few minutes of freedom. so about 4-7 pm i'll get a text. yes friends you read right. i could get a text as early as 4pm telling me he's ready, so i have to be on base by 4pm just in case. BUT on the other hand, i may not get a text till 9pm, it's a cruel game i play :)
so once i pick up my husband and sign him out for the weekend, we'll have the same conversation we have EVERY weekend.
"Rye, I need gas."
"c'mon drive faster get me OFF this base."
"well i'm not going to speed while on a military base. did you hear me? i need gas"
"i don't care, just get me off the base, i'm sick of this place"
"ok, well the cheapest gas is ON base, so we'll fill up on our way out."
"Sav, i NEED FOOD!"
"ok hon, after we get gas we'll get ya something"
10 minutes later, off the base on the I-5 southbound, still 15 minutes from a city
"Riley, if you were that desperate for food, i could have stopped somewhere ON base. but NOOO you were in a hurry to get off base. you'll have to wait till we hit oceanside. it's only 10 minutes up here."
2 minutes later
"Sav, i'm freaking starving! is there a reason you have not stopped anywhere so i can get food"
"well, Rye. as i tell you every weekend. the part of the base i pick you up at is on one side of the base, the quickest way to food is to go farther onto the base. which you throw a tantrum about. so i get you off base as soon as i can. the problem with that being, it's 15-20 minutes till we hit any civilization... so sit back a shut the crap up. WHEN i see somewhere to get food, i'll stop... i promise!!!"
"why didn't you pull over at that exit?"
"there is nothing off that exit."
"Sav... i SAW the denny's right there!"
"Riley Gardiner you HATE denny's"
"i know"
7 minutes later
"Sav where the heck are you going?"
"did you forget that you're hungry?!?!?!"
"oh there food over here"
"there was last weekend, so i have a feeling there should still be SOMEWHERE to get food here"

except THIS weekend will be slightly different. we're meeting my cousin Emma in Carlsbad for dinner after i pick him up. so there will be a bit more whining. he won't want to wait that long for food. and "SAV"(in the whiniest voice you can imagine) "i've never even MET your cousin!" in which i'll reply. "and you'll LOVE her." he'll probably complain a bit more. point to his stomach every 45 seconds and yell (very loudly i might add) "HUUUUUUUNGRY!!!"  to which i'll turn my music UP and sing along. he'll give up shortly after this happens, put his hand on my thigh, and squeeze. he'll look at me while i'm driving like he didn't remember how much he actually could love me. and awkwardly lay his head on my shoulder.

Look at me go! i am blogging accurately about a weekend that has not even happened yet! i'm ahead of the game :) I am really excited this week to see him. i hung out with my AWESOME sister in law all week. and while i absolutely adore her, she looks an awful lot like her little brother... and it's a constant reminder that he's not around. whereas normally i can pretend i don't think about the situation and enjoy my week. i really did enjoy my week though. hanging out with Michelle and my nephews Jaxon and Boden... i'm just glad tomorrow is friday!

i haven't blogged this yet. i did put this on facebook. but just in case any of ya care... Riley got his job assignment. as you should all know by now, he is Infantry... but within that category there are several jobs. my husband i must say, has the COOLEST one! well Recon is pretty cool too... just not for a married guy... just my opinion. ANYWAY Riley is an 0351... DEMOLITIONS. yea.. he's pretty much living every 10 yr old boys fantasy. he's learning the proper way to blow things up. how to blow circular holes in concrete and so forth. and instead of an m16(the typical rifle) Rye will have... are you ready for this?

a ROCKET LAUNCHER! yup.. thats pretty Bad-A if you as me! and he's pretty excited. you can see his face light up like an 8 yr old whenever i bring it up. he's doing REALLY well at SOI-ITB is one of the high test scorers... yes we are talking about the SAME Riley Gardiner... and he's one of the best hikers. he passes everyone as they are heaving and barely able to breath.. and he skips to and fro singing and making jokes. thats my boy :)

I'm really proud of my husband. have i said that recently. after 3 years and 8 months of being married, i could not imagine my life without him. i was talking to his sister this week. and realized as of june 3rd at about midnight. i will have started going steady with Rye 6 years ago. and our first date was 7 years ago this next fall... WOW... can i just say, i am the HAPPIEST AND LUCKIEST 22 year old girl EVER! ok i'll quit gushing. i'll update on monday or so and let ya know exactly how accurate my predictions were :)


  1. lol, you guys are really cute. you could really make him happy by having his favorite treat in the car for the long drive for dinner. play a game with it too--you could come up with something. keep up the posts, you're too cute!

  2. oh he has snacks! i keep my glovebox full of his treats. jaw breakers, skittles, jordon almonds. crackers, cereal... he wants REAL food. :) boys...

  3. Haha you guys fight like an old married couple... lol.


What-Do-Ya-Think? lemme know!