Saturday, February 19, 2011

Holy Moley!!!

i realized this morning that this will make post  #129..... doesn't it seem like just yesterday i posted my happy 100... i thought so.. but i guess not. So here i am, yet again... if you have stuck with my crazy blogging, then THANK YOU! i am glad i could keep you at least SOMEWHAT entertained... my motto is that there is a story in EVERTHING that happens.. just ask Rye, it's rare that i don't come out of a public bathroom without some sort of experience (other than the normal sorts) Tonight's post will be no different.

So If we're facebook friends than you have seen that i have a new little "friend" at the house... Steph found her, she was bleeding on one paw and she almost hit her with her car (on ACCIDENT!) She scooped her up and brought her to her house.. her pups did NOT like this little girl, so the next day when we were over at wal mart i offered to keep her at my house until we could find who she belonged to. So she is now set up in my laundry room.. Her and Deezul haven't TOTALLY met yet. Dee is waiting and excited for when it happens, but she doesn't seem to keen on him yet. I decided to name her Alba while she is at my house, after Riley's celebrity crush Jessica Alba. So here is how the Convo with Riley about "Alba" went.

  • Me- Ryyyyyyyyyyye, how much do you love me
  • Rye- alot....... why, what do you want, or need or what did you DO???
  • Me- well, you see Steph found this critter, and she was hurt so steph brought her to her house, but her puppies terrified her so i brought her here
  • Rye- The fact that you said "critter" and not DOG means that it's a cat... so NO, get rid of it.
So pretty much... we'll hope i can find her family, if not, i'll find her a new home... but until then, she's a temporary Gardiner.
isn't she PRETTY!!! she has these clear green eyes.

between the washer and dryer. where Dee is too fat to fit.

Watching Deezul outside :)

Totally different subject! so we headed to Home Depot for a few things yesterday, as we pulled into the parking lot there was a Bum asleep on the home depot mini grass area... i made a joke about how nice it would be to nap on home depot's lawn, because they probably take really good care of it. we laughed about it and went about our shopping... about an hour later we came back out to the car to see an ambulance with it's lights on pulling into the parking lot... Steph joked it was probably for the bum that was on the grass.... then they stopped in front of the bum, got the stretcher out... and then proceeded to cover said bum up with sheets.... ya... the Bum was dead... So then Steph said i should feel bad about making fun of a dead body... and i replied back with "you wanna know the terrible part... this isn't the first time i've made fun of a sleeping bum only to find out they are dead".... i know i know, i am a TERRIBLE person, i'm working on that.

Jumping subjects yet again, so in my crafty mood lately i've been making more headbands/hair clips.. SO cute! don't worry i have pictures for you :) so here ya go!

This is Crochet thread... it took FOREVER to wrap.. just FYI

my flower made out of the same crap.

So cute right! yes i'm talking about my pigtails... uhhhhh

It needed a little something, so i added these beads.

these are just some cute little bobby pins i made.

Cotton Candy Head :) looks cute IN your hair i promise!

Stole this idea from Lauren, except hers is WAY cuter.

These ribbon's came from Kat's valentine to me.

i REALLY like this one... and i hope it looks cute in. i'll try for another pic

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